Photo Credit: Freepik Trump’s is not a call for world domination; it is, instead, a belief that the American president exists to serve Americans. He’s done it before and he’ll do…
Photo Credit: AT via Magic Studio Ocasio-Cortez, Green, and Crockett will do nothing to improve the lives of their constituents. They are just auditioning for a part of Trump’s worst…
Photo Credit: AT via Magic Studio The great question of the moment is whether the Trump Revolution is irreversible, or whether our Democratic friends will get their act together and return…
Photo Credit: YouTube (edited) As always on the left, whatever they accuse Republicans of doing is what they’ve actually done—and nowhere is that more obvious than with Obama and Putin.
Photo Credit: Public Domain An aggressive Islamic culture with high birthrates will sweep away the postmodern secular European culture that can’t be bothered to awaken from its slumber to defend…
Photo Credit: Michael Foran While Democrats keep their eyes firmly focused on imaginary “white supremacy,” a real, dangerous, and very active enemy is lurking.