Photo Credit: Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr (cropped). Gage Skidmore Mark your calendar: November 3, 2026. Republicans are preparing to turn Congress increasingly red.
Photo Credit: Vince Coyner He knew why Democrats were doing it (votes), and his laser-sharp reductio ad absurdum analyses would have predicted that the West would end up right where it…
Photo Credit: AT via Magic Studio The far Left has become the Wile E. Coyote chasing the Road Runner. They keep on trying to come up with grandiose schemes to trap…
Photo Credit:free image, Pixabay license Colin Behrens from Pixabay Journalists are like everyone else insofar as their presentation of events are colored by their worldview, their theories of choice.
Photo Credit: AT via Magic Studio USAID does wonderful things for the poor and oppressed of the world. And there’s a heckuva bridge available right now, real cheap, in Baltimore.