Photo Credit: Public Domain It is our lefty friends who seem to have developed an inordinate fear of Putinism and are determined to make war on him: warmongers all.
Photo Credit: White House President Trump understands that the only way to succeed with so many power centers aligned against him is to attack everywhere in a political shock-and-awe campaign.
Photo Credit:Public domain President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s childish histrionics and ultimatums in the Oval Office are reflective of the European delusional mindset of self-serving expectations.
Photo Credit: Thddbfk The world’s elites, at home and abroad, are pushing hard for this and, currently, Trump and RFK, Jr., are the only bulwark against it.
Photo Credit: Public domain The case of Mehdi Hassani and Behrouz Ehsani, both on death row for offending the Iranian regime, highlights the need for powerful international condemnation.