Category: Canada Free Press

Thinking Outside The Box

Thinking Outside The Box, President Trump is not just thinking about going outside the box; he’s left the box altogether and looking to reinvent government to make it more responsive,…
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When is a hearing not a hearing?

When is a hearing not a hearing?, Hearings are conducted to hear the testimony of nominees, not the unstudied blusterings of the president’s opposition.
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Brace Yourself! Immigration Tragedy Unfolding

Brace Yourself! Immigration Tragedy Unfolding, progressive liberals believe that stripping money from police agencies and funnelling those funds to social community projects can solve systemic issues while also promoting social…
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Lawfare Alive and Active

Lawfare Alive and Active, President Trump has had four years to prepare, so there should be no doubt he will fulfill his promises to Make America Great Again, uniparty ideologues…
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