Conservatives must raise Cain at Public Events, using Alinsky’s Rules!, The left took over many of our institutions by effectively applying Saul Alinsky’s rules.
Black Mass Sacrilege Planned Inside Kansas State Capitol Sparks Outrage, Satanists love to give an air of triumphalism. However, it is nothing more than bravado since we already know that…
The Dems Didn’t Disappoint, Democrat Party clearly exposed their disdain for Americans voters, American crime victims and their families, the American Constitution, and their pure hatred for all of the…
Can A Political Party Have A Personality Disorder?, At that joint session the Democrats just might have rang their death knell. Putting the last nail in the coffin of their…
Democrats Are Bullies, Last November the extreme Leftist Democrat bullies got punched square on the nose by American voters, and they still don’t get it
Impeaching Rogue Judges Will be a Hard Row to Hoe, There is a court that may be even more important than the Supreme Court – the court of public opinion.
Yay, DJ!, Secret Service Director Sean Curran gives DJ Daniel, a Texas boy who has been battling cancer most of his life, a hug after Trump surprised him by making…