Category: Free Beacon

Weekend Beacon 3/9/25

The Lenten season has begun, which for Catholics is a time of prayer, fasting, and abstinence. A friend suggested I give up alcohol for Lent. And maybe I can give…
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Earl Weaver, Baseball Lout and Legend

John W. Miller’s The Last Manager might sound like the kind of overcooked title you slap on a clickbait article, but the bold assertion has merit. Once upon a time,…
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The Columnist as Moral Compass

A book-length collection of 81 op-eds written over a period of seven years by a single author should not be readable. And in most writers’ hands it wouldn’t be. While…
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What Trump’s Triangulation Means for Asia

The imploding relationship between Ukraine and the United States has upended global politics. Ukrainian forces are still slogging it out against Russian invaders without U.S. intelligence and weapons deliveries, even…
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