Category: Numbers USA

Forbidden Words

Environmental language guides may be well-meaning, but they won’t stop habitat destruction. A moderated immigration policy, however, would be a necessary (if insufficient) step towards protecting wildlife habitat and corridors.
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What we know from the latest border numbers

Encounters have slightly fallen but the real-world numbers are worse. Parole abuse, asylum fraud, and a wink-wink workplace enforcement system have created a lasting credibility crisis at the border and…
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Boston Man Arrested for Forced Labor

The casualties in the raging war on workers keep piling up. The latest slavery example comes from Beantown where the owner of Stash’s Pizza was arrested for forced labor by…
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Housing Inflation Marches Towards Madness

Future demand for housing is driven almost entirely by immigration. Record housing starts haven’t been a balm for affordability. Is there also evidence that immigration-fueled housing prices are driving inflation,…
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