Category: Numbers USA

Media Terrified of…Canada

Canada has created a visa program specifically catering to American H-1B visa holders. The program allows H-1B holders in the United States to apply for up to 10,000 Canadian visas…
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Catch and Release Assembly Line has Consequences

The Biden Administration’s latest strategy for dealing with the border catastrophe involves a neat accounting trick: Border apprehensions are made to appear lower by simply paroling many aliens through ports…
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Wherefore Art Thou, Labor Shortage?

According to the Wall Street Journal, there were 171,000 fewer Information Technology (IT)-related jobs across companies in the United States in June. This caused a .3% increase in the IT…
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VP Harris' Missed Opportunity

The Democratic Party platform proclaims promises to “protect wildlife habitats and biodiversity…by conserving 30 percent of our lands and waters by 2030.” But anyone familiar with NumbersUSA’s sprawl studies understands…
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