There are rumors swirling that KJP’s days are numbered because she’s not prepared and can’t handle the influx of hard and pressing questions coming at her
It’s funny to watch liberals, they’re so clueless, they truly have no idea what’s really going on in the world. These are very “pie-in-the-sky” type people,
The ladies on ABC’s “The View” are idiots. I am sorry, there’s just no better way to put this. They’re propped up as “political pundits” and they prove time
There’s something strange going on in this country and around the world right now. It’s not normal for young, seeming healthy people to be dropping like flies
What a scary and morbid “sign of the times” this story is. The city of Las Vegas is adding defibrillators to 4 city parks, as a likely response to the…
More than four years have passed since Brett Kavanaugh was sworn in as a justice of the Supreme Court on October 6, 2018. His swearing came after what may be
Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, will present a bill that would allow military personnel who were discharged for failing to comply with COVID-19 vaccine requirements
The Department of Justice’s handling of the separate inquiries into the allegedly improper handling of sensitive documents by former Presidents Donald Trump